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 汽车后窗 [qì chē hòu chuāng添加此单词到默认生词本
rear auto window

  1. 爆笑汽车后窗标语:“您是师傅随便超”,“女司机磨合头一次=女魔头”,一小面贴的是“面中面”,一大婶贴“您就当我是红灯”。
    Explode catchphrase of the window after laughing at a car: "You are the master exceeds casually " , "Chauffeuse adjust first head of = female demon " , one small those who stick is " the face in the face " , one aunt is stuck " you become me is red light " .
  2. 警方介绍说,盗窃就在赫兹曼去小便时打破汽车后窗,然后取走车内装满珠宝的两只箱子,这些箱子里装着项链、、和等价值百万欧元的昂贵珠宝。
    The thieves smashed the back window of the car shortly after the two men left it and two suitcases full of necklaces, watches, bracelets and rings were taken, police said.
  3. 警方介绍说,盗窃就在赫兹曼去小便时打破汽车后窗,然后取走车内装满珠宝的两只箱子,这些箱子里装着项链、手表、手镯和戒指等价值百万欧元的昂贵珠宝。
    The thieves smashed the back window of the car shortly after the two men left it and two suitcases full of necklaces, watches, bracelets and rings were taken, police said.

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